Thursday, April 22, 2010

Book Burning and Banning

In class this week, we dicussed book burning and the banning of books. I found it to be very interesting. Some of the books on the list that was given to us in class I have read and had no idea they had be banned at one point. I had to read most of them for my high school english classes.
I also didn't realize that there are people today who still burn books. I found it interesting that people are facing fines for doing so. I don't understand why some books are banned. I think that people just banned books that they don't understand or agree with.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fahrenheit 451- Continued

I thought that the book got interesting when the fire chief sent to dog to sniff around at Guy's door as a hit to he knew that he still had books. When the call came in and they went out on the run and stopped infront of Guy's house I was shocked. I thought to myself why would they just be going to his house now if the fire chief has known all along that he had books. I also thought right away that his wife must have been the one to call in the alarm. It was obvious once she ran out of the house to a waiting cab with a suitcase. My thought was if she just heard the fire trucks outside then how would she have had time to pack a suitcase and call a cab? Our group discussed this and everyone seemed to believe that his wife did turn him in.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fahrenheit 451

I found this book to be interesting and tryed to imagine myself living in a society like the one portrayed in the book. It was very interesting to me that Clarisse made Guy rethink his entire life and career choose after just meeting her. I love that she is different from the everyone else and not afraid to stand out and speak her mind. She takes the time to notice even the littlest details and appreciate nature.
The point that families don't really interact with one another is very strange. They are just concerned about their TV panels . I found it very weird that Guy's wife, Mildred is so into TV that she thinks of the characters as her "family". What kind of family are people you can't talk to? When Clarisse and her family disappear I began to wonder what happened to them. The part about Clarisse being hit by a car, I don't believe she died. I think that was just made up to put a twist to the book.