Thursday, February 18, 2010


I found the book "Feed" very interesting. At first I was lost and had to reread the first few pages a couple of times. Once I got past that, I found the book to be very neat. I think it relates to our society today very well. There are some people just concerned with fitting in and being cool. While others actually care about what is going on around them. I feel that this book also related to our advertising talk in a way. People buy stuff just because other people have it.

I also thought it was strange in that fact that they rely on computers so much that they have them installed in their brains. I honestly hope that our society never takes their relying on technology that far. Can you honestly imagine having a computer in your brain that you can never shut off and are constantly hearing noise? I think that would be very hard to live with. I think it would be And the whole upcar thing, that was totally strange to me.


  1. I agree that a computer in your brain would be very hard to live with. But would it be as hard to live with if your parents had made the choice for you to get it as a baby? The "Feed" in Violet's brain only affected her that way because as a child she learned to think without it.

  2. I know people who are ready to be "hooked up" immediately! They are just waiting for technology to "catch up" to their desires. How easy it would be, they say, to be able to access the internet anytime, anywhere. These people puzzle me a bit...but they are out there!

  3. I too found Feed to be a good read. I know specific people who's only concern is to fit in and it's very annoying to be around people like that. In my opinion because I think everyone should have something unique to contribute to a group. It makes things more interesting and diverse. I hope computers will never be put in our brain as well because if our entire body relies on them then I don't want to worry about a crash of the system and dying because of it. There is no reason for it and it interferes with our biological structure, making us more like machines.

  4. I really enjoyed reading the book Feed. I do agree with that fact that you said we buy things to be cool. This is because the media attacks are younger generation with advertisements. Our marketing companies hit us in such a way that we are only focused on consumption. I also agree that having a computer in our heads would be horrible thing, but would be a great advancement in technology.
