Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dumbest Generation

When asked the question "Are we the dumbest generation?" at first my answer was yes but then after thinking it through my opinion changed. No, I do not feel we are the dumbest generation. Yes, we use technology a lot but I feel that is to our advantage. We can stay well connected with the rest of the world and know what is going on all over the world.

I don't feel it is fair to call our entire generation dumb because some people in our generation like Miss South Carolina don't represent all of us. Even though some kids don't use the internet for anything productive that doesn't mean everyone doesn't. For example: I only use the interent when it is necessary or to my advantage but on the other hand my roommate is addicted to facebook. She is on facebook from the time she gets up in the morning till she falls asleep at night. And in the back of mind is the point that Chelesa brought up in our group decision "someone over 30 made it". Which I feel is a very good point why blame us when they helped make us the "dumbest generation".


  1. Clearly Miss South Carolina doesn't represent us as I think a 5 year old could provide a better answer than what she gave. And like I posted in my blog, it's not just our fault that some think we are the dumbest generation.

  2. It isn't our fault that we are considered the dumbest generation. There were plenty of contributions from past generations.

  3. I really do agree that we are not the only ones that contributed to us being so lazy when it comes to knowledge. When you think of the example of Miss South Carolina it dose not show her knowledge. She dose not think that The Iraq dose not have maps. She was on a stage in front of millions of people, under pressure. Do not compare our whole generation to certain peoples' performances.

  4. We were not responsible for creating most of the technology that posions us on a regular basis. I definately had nothing to do with corporations trying to take over our minds with incessant commercials.
