Friday, January 29, 2010

Blog 1

I have to agree with the author Kalle Lasn, the technology that we use everyday contibutes a great deal to the "noise" in our everyday lives. Everything from our cell phones to our computers make a lot of noise that I didn't even realize until reading Culture Jam because I've become so use to it.


  1. Jessica,

    This is a good "seed" to begin a blog entry with. I expect you to think through these ideas in writing a bit more. If you're stuck, you can always refer to some of the questions I posed on my blog page. To extend your writing, you might think about how "noise" is something more than a simple, audible sound. In what other ways are our lives filled with "noise"? What are we missing because we cannot hear or listen beyond these distractions? Are these distractions part of the norm? Do they harm us in any way? Etc. Lots of ideas to consider in writing!

  2. My blog also focused on noise and how normal it had all become to me. That was a little scary to realize how swept up I had become in what was mainstream. Mainstream culture is not bad in its entirety, but it is when that is all you can see.

  3. I don't think that we will ever be able to escape noise. I do agree it has been here so long that we don't even realize it.

  4. This is very true of our lives. The noise is everywhere and it's very hard to escape. You can drive for miles but there will still be that laptop and the car driving by in the distance. However, just because you don't realize that your computer is producing a constant 'noise' doesn't mean that it's wrong not to want to get rid of it.

  5. i agree with this because I leave my computer on at night and fall asleep to music on it. I cant go to sleep with the complete silence of the night. I also sleep with the tv on. the quiet freaks me out.

  6. I agree with this because even while we are sleeping we are interpreting noise. The example of your computer is a great one because a simple thing like a computer fan creates noise in the back of our minds that we become habitual to.
