Friday, March 26, 2010

1984- The End

I thought it was very sneaking of O'Brien to get Julia and Winston to trust him so much and then take the information they had given him and use it against him. It found out just how far they were willing to go to protect one another and used it as a weapon.
The part of the book near the end that I found very disturbing are the chapters about the torture. I had to force myself to continue reading as I am not one of those people who enjoy scary things. I found this parts to be unimaginable. The part when they discribed the rats that they were going to put on Winston's face to eat him really made me uncomfortable. I would give up pretty much anyone to avoid going through that too.

Friday, March 19, 2010


When I first began reading 1984, I found it hard to force myself to keep going. The first few pages were very boring to me. I couldn't even imagine living in a place or time like Winston did. The author did a very good job of giving you a very detailed image of exactly what was going on and how things looked. This apartment sounded scary and creepy. The whole thing about Big Brother is Watching You just creeped me out. I can't even picture having to look at those signs and hiding things from the telescreens. The government was so involved and strict.
One point that sticks out in my mind as rediculous is that point that was made about marriage as a vehicle for producing children to serve the Party. I can't imagine just having a child to serve the government. It is even crazier that Winston and his wife Katharine only married in order to have a child and do their "duty to the Party".
It is also very wrong in my mind that Winston's job was to rewrite history to say exactly what the government wanted it to. What if you actually lived through the event and know exactly what happened for sure but the government didn't like it, so you were expected to just forget about what actually happened and go along with them? I think that would be very hard to do and confusing at the same time.