Thursday, February 18, 2010


I found the book "Feed" very interesting. At first I was lost and had to reread the first few pages a couple of times. Once I got past that, I found the book to be very neat. I think it relates to our society today very well. There are some people just concerned with fitting in and being cool. While others actually care about what is going on around them. I feel that this book also related to our advertising talk in a way. People buy stuff just because other people have it.

I also thought it was strange in that fact that they rely on computers so much that they have them installed in their brains. I honestly hope that our society never takes their relying on technology that far. Can you honestly imagine having a computer in your brain that you can never shut off and are constantly hearing noise? I think that would be very hard to live with. I think it would be And the whole upcar thing, that was totally strange to me.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dumbest Generation

When asked the question "Are we the dumbest generation?" at first my answer was yes but then after thinking it through my opinion changed. No, I do not feel we are the dumbest generation. Yes, we use technology a lot but I feel that is to our advantage. We can stay well connected with the rest of the world and know what is going on all over the world.

I don't feel it is fair to call our entire generation dumb because some people in our generation like Miss South Carolina don't represent all of us. Even though some kids don't use the internet for anything productive that doesn't mean everyone doesn't. For example: I only use the interent when it is necessary or to my advantage but on the other hand my roommate is addicted to facebook. She is on facebook from the time she gets up in the morning till she falls asleep at night. And in the back of mind is the point that Chelesa brought up in our group decision "someone over 30 made it". Which I feel is a very good point why blame us when they helped make us the "dumbest generation".

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I found this weeks classes very interesting. I never really took the time to really "look" at the ads or commericals that surround us everyday. Once I was asked to take a closer look, I began to realize that most ads are or have something to do with sex. Everything from clothing commericals to alcholic drink commericals have sex or something suggesting sex in them. Why is sex the only thing that catchs our society's attention?

I find it pretty sad that as a society the only thing that really gets our attention is sex. Sex sells. I don't even understand what sex has to do with half the commericals. For example a man holding a woman with a short dress down and Calvin Klein Jeans written at the bottom of the picture. What does that have to do with jean? If you don't take the time to look closely you don't even see the jeans but that's what the company claims to be selling.